Gabriels, Robin L. & Hill, Diva E.Individuals with autism and their caregivers face unique challenges in later childhood and adolescence, yet this period is often neglected in the professional literature. This much-needed volume translates current research on the needs of this population into practical recommendations for clinicians and educators. Featuring vivid case examples and an in-depth, reproducible assessment form, the book comprehensively addresses the many contexts of children's lives. Accessible guidance and hands-on suggestions are provided for: (1) Supporting positive behavior, communication, and social skills; (2) Managing issues related to mental and physical health and sexuality; (3) Helping families access services and navigate the legal system; and (4) Optimizing the educational and transition planning process. This book is divided into three parts. Part I: The Individual with Autism, introduces the first six chapters: (1) Understanding Behavioral and Emotional Issues in Autism (Robin L. Gabriels); (2) Medical Health Assessment and Treatment Issues in Autism (Edward Goldson and Margaret Bauman); (3) Sexuality and Autism: Individual, Family, and Community Perspectives and Interventions (Robin L. Gabriels and Mary E. Van Bourgondien); (4) Communication and Language Issues in Less Able School-Age Children with Autism (Diane Twachtman-Cullen and Jennifer Twachtman-Reilly); (5) Sensory Processing Disorders in Children with Autism: Nature, Assessment, and Intervention (Eynat Gal, Sharon Cermak, and Ayelet Ben-Sasson); and (6) Assistive Technology as an Aid in Reducing Social Impairments in Autism (Ofer Golan, Paul G. LaCava, and Simon Baron-Cohen). Part II: Family and Caregivers of the Individual with Autism, continues with the following three chapters: (7) Advocating for Services: Legal Issues Confronting Parents and Guardians (Wayne Steedman); (8) Family Resources during the School-Age Years (April W. Block and Stephen R. Block), and (9) Family Vacations and Leisure Time: Considerations and Accommodations (Sharon Lerner-Baron). Part III: Community Aspects of Intervention, contains the final four chapters: (10) Building a Foundation for Successful School Transitions and Educational Placement (Ramona Noland, Nancy Cason, and Alan Lincoln); (11) Translating Early Intervention into Positive Outcomes (Laurie Sperry and Gary Mesibov); (12) School Consultation and Interventions for Middle School and High School Students with Autism (Brian R. Lopez, Dina E. Hill, Sandy Shaw, and Robin L. Gabriels); and (13) Criminal Justice Issues and Autistic Disorder (Alicia V. Hall, Michele Godwin, Harry H. Wright, and Ruth K. Abramson).